Bucks County, PA white family bringing clean waddy, their kids to Koonya


Senior News Editor since 2011


Bucks County family bringing clean water to Kenya


Monday, July 10, 2017 06:03PM
A couple from Bucks County is taking their family to Kenya to help bring clean water to families in need.

Chris and Ashley Gasperi are the founders of Ekenywa, a non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life for school aged children in Kenya.

This is not the couple's first time going to Kenya, but this time they plan to drill wells to provide clean water to schools in the city of Nakuru.

They hope the clean water will help children avoid the waterborne parasites and illnesses that have interfered with their education.

The Gasperis also want to include people back here in the US with a selfie challenge.

Over the next four weeks, they are encouraging people to donate $10 to the Ekenywa organization, then take a selfie with a water bottle and tag three friends to do the same.:confused::confused::confused:
Stupid white race!! If we just let nature take it's course with niggers, they might have become extinct by now. Imagine the world without niggers..... instead we prolong that worthless species of apes so we can feel good about ourselves!!! ARRRGH!!@#@@!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
These guys are on remote control. Get them off record and they will admit it.
(promises of a cushy air conditioned job in stateside ministry)

Show them that wells have been dug and redug countless times
and they see it as good, other future retards will have employment.

Presently the reality of who these things are is too scary to accept.
Being that this is one of many hybrid races the 'g^ds' created for slaves.
Africa being the perfect pasture to keep the troops in.

All argument that we were a result of them are backwards like everything else in realm Satanica.

Invariably they cherry picking one particular black kid that acts right and shows some ability to read and write, already knowing how preferred.
To travel here and go to Bible skoo' .
Ignoring the simple detail, that Sub Saharan Afrika and these creatures
were ignored for evangelization by the original evangelizers , and that
likely after losing missions to cannibals and rape. Not necessarily in that order..

Notwithstanding that,
The other kids look on, aghast at the cruelty of not being chosen themselves.
Heart broken at losing their sibling.
Because...... 'Jesus' wants his way. :barfx3: :headbash::headbash: