Blind Lemon Jelly loses tarbaby to state

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

Parents lose baby apparently because of disability

(Mobile) April 12 - It's your pride and joy, your newborn baby, but now one disabled Alabama couple is without their child after the State stepped in and took their infant away.

Pyanne and Tyrone Jordan of Talledega are both blind and gave birth to their first child on Tuesday. But two days later the baby was taken away from the parents by the Department of Human Resources and placed in state custody.

The visually impaired community close to home is outraged. If the baby was taken f
om its parents because of their eyesight, they believe the couple's civil rights were violated because people who are blind are perfectly capable to raise children.

Gib dat

y back to Tyrone and Paynne rite now! Th
e state of Alabama has no bidness messing wif blind colored folk.


Blind Tyrone. In the past two days have come Tyrone Love, Tyrone Prescott, and now Blind Tyrone. We need our own videos to go with these print stories.

Too bad the White survival rate in these areas is about the same as a Viet Nam helicopter door gunner.

State Representative Joseph Mitchell is sponsoring a bill that will not allow the courts to rule a disability "in and of itself" will result in neglect and abuse.

Monday night Mitchell said, "to think a vis
al impairment will result in neglect is unfair, imprudent and discriminatory."
Mitchell's black picture-
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