BLACK Florida man confesses to home invasion and holding elderly couple hostage for days

Arheel's Uncle

Senior Reporter

By Shirenna | April 14, 2022​

Florida man confesses to holding elderly couple hostage for days


Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office/Getty
An elderly couple is recovering in a hospital after being held hostage for two days.

The incident occurred over the weekend at a home near Jacksonville.

Officials say they were alerted to the situation on Monday by the suspect himself.

46-year-old Aubrey Lumpkin
reportedly called the sheriff’s department and told them he’d tied up the couple who are in their 70’s and had been holding them hostage for two days.

It is unclear why Lumpkin called the police on himself or why he targeted the couple, but authorities say that Lumpkin has a lengthy criminal history and was on the Clay County Sheriff’s Office Most Wanted list in 2018.
Because prison is his comfy home, you feckless idjits, he wanted to go home.

He was arrested and charged with home invasion as well as for an outstanding drug warrant.