

The date on this post is January 15, 2004. I do believe, that; Soon, the Constitutional Convention will address these issues.

The issues being raised by all these states commenced in the 1994-95-96 et cetera years when FEDERAL FUNDING was cut off from PARK SERVICES.

These issues have concerned many Americans since the FED. GOVT. decreased the SERVICES for which the TAX PAYERS WERE PAYING.

(end snip)


Literally, there is no need to secede,
because the Thing they want to secede from is _not_ "the union of sovereign States" -

it's &quo

e machinations of a corporate entity calling itself 'the U.S.'
and _pretending_ to be that unions federal government in all its branches".

As we wake up to that, the game is up. :lol:

There are a few dubious Amendments to the Constitution; those should be carefully considered, their meanings fully understood - and then perhaps those should be repealed,
or perhaps it should be realized they were never lawfully enacted in the first place and perhaps in such case, they can simply be dropped as 'bogus'.

There's no need for a Constitutional Convention - the Constitution ain't broke.

Rather, just like all the other shenanigans the would-be-Elites have pulled, there's an _overlay_ of something, operating on top of the Constitution ,

and it's tha
t overlay
needs to
be removed.

ANY CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION SHOULD BE APPROACHED VERY, VERY CAUTIOUSLY, because any group effort to 'revise' that brilliant document would be available for mischief.

We have Amendments right now that don't do what we've been led to think they do.
So the essential quest
ion becomes, "If we haven't spotted those and the bogus nature of them, do we yet know enough, see clearly enough, to be sure changes we might make to the Constitution now are necessary and also crafted with sufficient precision to accomplish exactly what we intend them to, no more and no less?"


If the Arizonans break from the USSA, we of Californiastan should throw out our Stalinazicommufascist rulers and join up with them! After that, Arizonastan and Californiastan could throw out the illegal immies and the Ameriqaeda letter Terrorist organizations as well! ;)

Yes Xuxa

dontcha love it ?!

Now make contacts in Arizona and get clear on how they plan to do it.

The legal wordage is already available on the net

I dont know where but I read as much as I could understand a few mos ago.

Email and ask.

They will tell you.

Get a organization in your area to take up the cause and find how

state laws differ and how to write your own secession statement and get busy

raising funds and doing mailings and getting signatures.

Perhaps calif will divide into Norht and South and North secede.


There are dozens of such and I did a search aw
ile ago on

SOVERIGN NATIONS and whoopeedo, a lot of people are

getting free of the fed govt monster.

Maybe this is your cause celebre ?

Time to find out. Go for it ! <!-

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The last Arizona governor a no good leftist women, who should not have been in the job, yet now the present woman governor is a Lesbo Western hating, white whore politician. How is it that they have an older white poplution in Arizona, yet vote in white filth again,and again.. Of course N.P.R. has almost daily praise for these these types of filthy politicians along with their daily stories of intergration, and evil white racist's and deserving POOOR, POOOR People of color... Die-versity, at N.P.R. is their mission except for who controls them! Oi! ........................I sincerely hope AZ. does as it's citizens want, that state is full of retired folks who have a check. Ho
efully they will get going on protecting themselves, and take over the state to close the borders, and deport illegals to save themselves, because if they don't take it seriously, those mongols will be

ing their hom
es murdering and robbing them like itz S.A. soon if they don't take action now.. NO more golfing Arizonian's now, till you get busy with your duty, while you can..

Too many women think with their emotions rather than with their minds, so they can easily be led astray. I know some good female politicians, but they are few and far between.

Cool Bobster

so we cant bar all women from politics

but when it comes to women we have to have a more watchful eye.

After women live in a system where women are respected again

this will change and more women will see pragmatism is a keystone of

community building.

Huggy kissy is for the annual picnic. :rolleyes: