Apo essays for Dec 21

Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/an-antidote-to-the-jewpill-part-i-group-evolutionary-strategy/#comments

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James' Real Impact On Public Is Quite Different From His Delusions Of Grandeur
(Apollonian, 13 Dec 21)

James, buddy: u're visibly, palpably, certifiably psychotic--in other words, u make no sense. Specifically, u seem to be quite classically schizophrenic, which is to say u're caught-up and fixated within ur own little world of abstractions, and cut-off fm the real world of sense-perception.

Take an example: <blockquote>"In any case, this thread has reminded me that hoi polloi of Jewpillers are both highly paranoid and highly dishonest – ...."</blockquote> "...[H]oi polloi of Jewpillers"?--are u serious?--who talks this sort of brainless, meaningless blather and babble?--only psychotics and schizos like u, James.

U also seem to be quite narcissistic, imagining u're soooo brilliant, and to be sure, u may indeed have some insights upon some things, perhaps, but they're grossly contaminated and discredited by ur incessant babbling, nonsense, and psychosis. U obviously LOVE to hear urself talk, imagining u're such a spell-binder.

If u had any real intelligence, u'd realize u need to provide an abstract at the beginning, or at least the end of ur "works" which summarize and simplifies ur "arguments," such as they are, and without ur absurd phrases filled w. pretentious "terms of art" and un-defined noun-phrases. U might need a glossary for some of the strange words and phrases u throw about, too. But u're such a deluded, narcissistic fool u imagine people have time to waste working their way through ur moronic drivel.

U surely imagine u're such a colossus of celerity, but u're really rather pathetic and object of disgust and repulsion. Keep trying to getting a clue, buddy. People, all peoples, hate Jews, always have (and always will), and it's because they (Jews) are a lot like u--have u ever considered?

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

162. James Lawrence says: • Website
December 9, 2021 at 11:16 am GMT • 3.8 days ago • 900 Words ↑
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/an-antidote-to-the-jewpill-part-i-group-evolutionary-strategy/#comments

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Jews, Satanists, Subjectivists Naturally Dominate Cyclically Evermore Corrupt Culture Of Spenglerian Western "Decline"
(Apollonian, 13 Dec 21)

Jews are subjectivists/Satanists by virtue of their "religion"/philosophy. Given their "Oral Law Trad.," hence "midrash" method (interpretation), nothing is true or real but what Jews and rabbis say. Thus "midrash" begins w. Torah, and extends thereupon to everything else--subjectivist reality, subjectivist society, eventually ruled by criminals and Satanists, Jews then the natural leaders. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Talmudic expo.

As subjectivism holds reality is created by consciousness/mentality, subject is creator, God-like--Satanism by definition. Thus Jew leadership is always Satanist, even if some or many of the lower level Jews are mere subjectivistics, not so much outright satanist. Still Jews obey their leadership.

Further, note Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, giving them superior organization and cohesion among gentile subjectivists/Satanists, rendering Jews dominant among the larger subjectivistic segment of politics/society, especially "liberals" and "leftists" as these are so heavily affected by moralism of non-existent "good-evil," naturally founded in subjectivism. Observe Jews dominated the early Bolsheviks in Russia.

Thus Jews come to dominate all organized crime, beginning w. the financial/currency system (for real money is soon replaced by mere currency) which becomes simply legalized counterfeiting as we see in modern Jew S A and West (see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency"). Note further, Jews and Satanists/subjectivists within the population consolidate and become evermore powerful as the society in general continues the CYCLIC cultural "Decline of the West," according to Oswald Spengler.

For the formerly strong, prosperous society began in strength and virtue under a straight-forward objectivistic culture, featuring honesty, but gradually and steadily gave way to corruption, fraud, and HUBRIS, beginning in that moralist self-righteousness founded upon non-existent "good-evil" for children, becoming evermore subjectivistic, then Satanist, as we see going on nowadays.

----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

165. Bczar says:
December 13, 2021 at 7:25 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

Jews are completely and totally different from any other people… That’s a major reason (if not the major) people don’t understand Jews. But you don’t need to understand Jews to see them for what they are. You just need to look. That’s the reason it’s forbiden to talk about Jews. Seeing is believing… More than you can ever believe… You don’t need to be an anti-Semite. You don’t need hate. You don’t need conspiracy theories. Just look at the very limited and heavily censored info we have. Its shocking and overwhelming…. You will be constantly shocked and outraged…. And astounded. My latest is reading about the incredible misdeeds of Ihor Kolomoysky. He’s been using White Nationalist (Neo-Nazis) as useful idiots for years! Right in the Heart Of the Holocaust! Now that’s some chutzpah even for a Jew!
Here, below-copied, is ltr-to-ed., by ap, sent to The Occidental Observer, this day, 13 Dec 22

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Dear Editor:

Rec'd ur msg, copied below, fm yest. But note, it's really much more serious matter than mere style--it has to do w. substance. Question is how to bring Unz Review under genuine criticism and exposure. U, for example, get lots of criticism, but does Unz and/or Unz Review?--hardly--there's just a little pro-forma note fm ADL, as in the Wikipedia section on Unz, and that's about it. For ADL un-doubtedly understands Unz's game he's playing, and the routine little note they (ADL) make is just part of the game. I suspect u highly under-estimate this collusion as btwn Unz and ADL, writing it all off far too easily.

1) For I can tell u certain factual, even verifiable things about Unz, who says he merely "mildly moderates"--this is a gross, HUGE lie, as I can emphatically state fm first-hand (a), and (b) he actually censors heavily and intensively, esp., moreover, when one considers who writes in and makes submissions, not only fm serious critics like myself, but others still, fm the pro Jew and -Israel side, as one can well imagine.

2) The pt. then is Unz greatly and seriously stage-manages the pretended "discussion" in the commentary precisely by means of this HEAVY censorship and selectivity he conducts w. his submissions to comments--to give such a false impression regarding that commentary.

Thus Unz nearly entirely avoids genuine discussion of the popular "Jew-question/issue," just for one thing, for the real problems involved w. this Jew-question/issue, including especially the typical, usual Satanism practiced by Jews, this Satanism being in the thematic subjectivism of Jews, most often in extreme form and application, of the Jews' religion/philosophy, involving their programmatic "midrash" (interpretation) treatment/technique for literally every concept there is, this following fm their "Oral Law Trad.," whence everything requires rabbinic commentary and "decoding" so that it means only and primarily what rabbis say.

I suspect u and many others under-estimate the Satanism aspect, imagining it's mere "religious"-type, highly "abstract" sort of issue and concern, when actually it's very practical and philosophic application, quite rationalistic in form, Satanism thus being in practice extreme subjectivism, subjectivism being idea that reality is product of consciousness/mentality by which subject then becomes creator and God-like--Satanism by definition.

Thus, u see, Unz is actually HEAVY, intensive practitioner of this "midrash" interpretation (subjectivism), in his own way, even though he pretends to being "non-religious," by specific means of his gross, heavy censorship, presenting thereby a tremendous fraudulent and false commentary.

So I would say that this, above-noted by me, is the genuine problem regarding Unz and Unz Review--the commentary being GROSSLY, heavily censored, slanted and thus affected, heavily and greatly stage-managed, all in very deceptive fashion, for the purpose of presenting a false and fraudulent impression--the usual and typical lies and deception of Jews like Unz who blandly lies and tells people he only "mildly moderates" the commentary.

Thus u can take this msg fm me as simple ltr to the editorship of TOO. U should publish this ltr too. Thanks, A.

---------------------------below-copied to Apollonian, 12 Dec 21------------------------------

Sorry, just not our style. Kevin M


Below-copied is blog-article submitted to TOO on 11 Dec, rejected, as just-above

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Hello editors at TOO:

I want here to present to u another submission for ur blog. For how otherwise is there to be any serious, genuine criticism of such as Unz (of Unz Review)?--if u can't/won't do it, who will? I think u could present my article, below-copied, beneath the dashed line, by itself, or w. the notation that it's a complaint by a disgruntled reader of Unz, who gets his submitted comments systematically censored/deleted by Unz. Thus I seriously speculate for Unz's motivation and purposes--WHICH PEOPLE SERIOUSLY NEED TO CONSIDER, and which they can't get anywhere else.

Thanks for ur attn. and consideration for this work of mine.

-----------------------------------Below-copied submitted to TOO editors-----------------------------------

How James Lawrence Well And Brilliantly Exposes Ron Unz
(Apollonian, 11 Dec 21)

It's high time to evaluate Ron Unz of "The Unz Review" for his motivations and practices, for I myself am pretty disgusted w. Unz, the Jew--a typical, lying Jew, I'd say, who says he "moderates" (his comments sections) "mildly"--which is a gross, but typical Jew lie, and Unz duly needs exposure and examination for this lying and censorship of his. For Unz furiously and heavily CENSORS the comments sections by way of stage-managing the pretended "discussion" within the comments--this is the actual fact to which I can easily attest.

Hence the only pertinent question is why Unz does this sort of censorship and stage-management--what is his purpose?--what is he driving towards? I try to answer these questions in the below-copied (and slightly edited) submission I made to Unz Review, but which was censored, the submission deleted.

Thus, as we all know, Unz and "Unz Review" features ostensibly "pro-white" journalistic columns and articles, by conservatives and others who would be called "anti-Semitic"--this is the "hook" by which Unz attracts the particular customers and audience who frequent his site, myself being one of the willing suckers. But note further, the attraction isn't only for white patriots--there are many of the Jews and leftist/"liberal" cohorts too, who are attracted, who want to see what the white partisans say and talk about.

But now Unz has lately attempted a further ploy in presenting certain writers, mixed among the other better-known authors, one of these newcomers being one James Lawrence, who pushes an interesting form of "writing" which turns out is actually rather Jew-friendly, and hardly "pro-white," and I submit Lawrence is just an effective substitute and mouth-piece for Unz, revealing Unz's real purposes as I note below in a submission for the comments section on the latest article by Lawrence, "An Antidote for the Jewpill (part 2)." See https://www.unz.com/article/an-antidote-to-the-jewpill-part-2-antichristianity/. The following is and was my comment (slightly edited):

How To Evaluate Lawrence?--Just Consider Unz (--this was the title of my original submission)
(Apollonian, 11 Dec 21)

The readers need merely examine the motivation of Unz, not Lawrence, who (speaking of Lawrence) is obviously psychotic and schizophrenic, Lawrence exhibiting the typical schizophrenic technique (or characteristic) of substituting and superimposing a world of abstractions for the real world of sense-perception. It's rather Unz who ought to be examined as the demented Lawrence is just a substitute and mouth-piece for Unz.

Thus Unz is a Jew, the typical Jew--a liar who pretends he merely moderates "mildly" (when actually he censors heavily, ruthlessly, and intensively--let me tell u)--who insists he's white and knows all about the white folk. For Unz's purpose is to stage-manage the commentary discussion towards his own purposes. So what are those purposes?

Thus Unz wants to synthesize Jews within and among "whites"--which whites will now lose their basic Christian character and nature (which is necessarily anti-Semitic). And this synthesizing of absolute anti-theses, Jew and white (hence implicitly Christian), is how Unz here foists this plainly psychotic James Lawrence as someone who deserves notice among whites and as we have here, "white nationalists" (WNs)--whoever they might be--which Lawrence rather selectively describes and defines, with no references given, in his article's third paragraph.

I think the one thing Lawrence does fairly adequately in his article, despite all the psychotic mass of verbiage, is describing E. Michael Jones for his essentially mystic rendition of what he pretends is Christianity--which version of Jones' is miserably adulterated for its injected and putrid mysticism and subjectivism (like "the moral law" and "logos"), and totally superfluous since we already have New Test. literature to which we can refer on our own.

And this fm Lawrence is what u get fm such a "moderating" (actually typically and maliciously deceptive and under-handed) Jew liar like Unz, pretending on the one hand to presenting a range of anti-Semitic and "conservative" journalism and articles, but who, in addition and within such pretended presentation, also interjects such as Lawrence and others, like recently the narcissist psycho, "Raches," all of these, including Unz himself, likely or quite possibly homosexuals too, intent upon the subversion and adulteration of the present, still heavily Christian culture.

It's an interesting subversionary technique here, practiced by Unz, as we easily note the presence of the outright Jews and "liberals" in the comments sections, but then we also get the Jewwy-view of things in the articles section now, too, like w. the babbling psycho, Lawrence. Great work, Unz.
Last edited:
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/no-country-for-white-children/#comment-5063849

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"Morality" Must Be Understood Properly--As Logic, Consistency, NOT Non-Existent "Good-Evil"
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 21)

MasterWanker: One of ur problems is u don't define "morality," do u? For there's no "good-evil," and if there is u need to prove there's a criterion/principle that works for such otherwise non-existent "good-evil."

Thus the only practical virtue of "morality"--is consistency and logic. Pretending/insisting upon "good-evil" is attempting to making a virtue out of NOTHING, and is one of the most horrific premises/pretexts then for SUBJECTIVISM (idea reality is creation of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator--God-like--Satanism, by definition).

And besides, such "good-evil" always reduces to mere self-righteousness--a typical and classic characteristic of Jews/Judaism, for which they've always been hated by all other peoples.

Note Jews are subjectivists (hence Satanists and susceptible to it) by their very "religion," such as it is, which also serves as their basic philosophy, following "midrash" technique (meaning interpretation) and "Oral Law Trad., though they also seem to acknowledge a certain kind of objectivity and determinism (absolute cause-effect), but which is always dominated by their subjectivism--it comes out in a kind of "doublethink," first noted, as such, by George Orwell. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo.

Thus since such delusion of "good-evil" is subjectivistic, is NOTHING (literally), it's often used to justify anything, and hence is actually quite anti-moral (or "immoral") in all truth, lending to gross inconsistency and illogic for the course of one's actions.

Such "good-evil" as a pretended "morality" is the very worst enemy of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), especially in case of Jews, "liberals," and leftists, who make such false moralism a condition of reality--for example, the virtue of RACISM (which is actually loyalty and pride in people, ancestors, culture) now construed and imposed by Jews and their cohorts as something to be avoided and condemned, thus destroying any possible rational culture at very foundation.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

173. The_MasterWang says:
December 15, 2021 at 12:45 am GMT • 5.1 hours ago ↑

Moral judgement without taking identity into account is meaningless.

Everything on that is morally meaningless *to me*.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/no-country-for-white-children/#comment-5063849

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Truth Of Objective Reality Always Resurrects, Coming Back To Bite Severely
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 21)

<blockquote>"The Jews exist in opposition to nature itself."</blockquote> Indeed, Jews follow the Talmud, by definition, Talmud holding that nothing means anything but in accord w. "midrash" and "Oral Law Trad.," hence what rabbis say--SUBJECTIVISM, all-encompassing and thorough-going. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo. What then is Jew "religion"?--SUBJECTIVISM, suckers--actually very rationalistic in form, even if absurd.

Thus subjectivist reality is product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition. Jews are Satanists, esp. the topmost masterminds even if some or even many of the lower-level Jews remain just subjectivistic. Further, Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, giving them unique, superior organization and cohesion, making them dominant among all other (gentile) subjectivists/Satanists, even as gentiles far out-number Jews. Thus Jews led and dominated the early Russian Bolsheviks, for example.

Thus Jews dominate organized crime, beginning w. the central bank (US Federal Reserve) which is simply legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency"). And as this central bank criminal conspiracy dominates and literally rules the USA, now the Jew S A, Jews rule, like they rule the entire West, and the world for large practical purposes.

Still, there's resistance to this Jewwy Satanism long as there remains the real Christianity (worship of truth = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth requiring the objective reality as necessary criterion/premise, and we Christians must merely continue to spread this Christian msg as we note New Test. moral that truth always RESURRECTS, coming back to bite--why Jews so hate such Christianity--they hate reality, but it will do them no good, miserable Jews.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

177. Ben Sampson says:
December 15, 2021 at 5:39 pm GMT • 4.3 hours ago • 300 Words ↑
@Sick of Orcs

The Jews exist in opposition to nature itself.

look at the global warming fraud with the need to reduce carbon
humans do not need to reduce carbon but to increase it.

Carbon is life. If we do not have enough carbon available for life on the planet we will all die. We all know the basic need for carbon. Carbon has been on the decline ever since naturally and it’s so low now, humans have already had to create carbon to keep life on planet earth going.

The Jews have a monopoly on media and all communication so they can get away with these insanities like global warming. But global warming contains human suicide

Everything the Jews do that affects us all is suicidal. Jewish power on the earth is suicidal. how in the hell can a people be brilliant, superior and always creating human suicide like Covid vaccinations

I don’t know about the Russians who piss me off seriously. Last night on a Hockey bench in Russia a player keeled over and died of heart failure.

Why are the Russians so deep into the Jewish Covid nonsense, with Russians keeling over all over the place! The Russians have power to resist the Jews. And the Russians have a tremendous amount of bad victimized experience at the hands of Jews…why do they have Jewish power running their country and imposing Covid vaxx on them killing off their people?

• Agree: Sick of Orcs
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/no-country-for-white-children/#comment-5063849

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What Will Jews, Satanists Do Without Their Slaves?
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 21)

The "end"?--ho ho. Comrade, hist. is CYCLC, according to Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West." Thus the West built upon the magnificent foundation of Greco-Roman, glorious Christianity (worship of TRUTH = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) carrying on brilliantly--as "truth" requires OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle), necessary basis/criterion for any such truth.

What happened?--well, HUBRIS set in, as always, and metastasized to the present Satanism (extreme subjectivism), didn't it? Thus Jews, supreme Satanists rule, subjectivism holding reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition. For Jews follow Talmudic "Oral Law Trad.," hence the "midrash" (interpretation) technique, foremost subjectivists, all-encompassing, and thorough-going. See<a href="https://Talmudical.blogspot.com" > Talmudical.blogspot.com</a>,<a href="https://Come-and-hear.com" > Come-and-hear.com</a>, and<a href="https://TruthTellers.org" > TruthTellers.org</a> for best expo.

Note then, even if Jews "win," de-populating the massive numbers of goyim built-up now fm the Greek-Roman-Christian achievement, they then lose so many slaves which will then cause inevitable in-fighting among Jews themselves at the top--thus affording the remnant Christian civilization an opportunity, the weaklings having been eliminated, the remnant now better seeing Jews for gross satanic psychopaths as they really are.

So losing the inferiors and weaklings among gentiles will actually help to clear the deadwood, allowing the survivors to consolidate and focus on the winning strategy for decisive RESURRECTION of the original Christian inspiration for truth while Jews are busy in-fighting. Satanists and Jews will fail and cease to prospering as excess masses of gentile slaves are eliminated.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------

159. Espadac says:
December 15, 2021 at 3:18 pm GMT • 7.3 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

half the commenters are horrified of a positive self afirmation of european people even when is grounded in a non confrontative ways by the articulist ; human trash like seraphin really showed his colours here , 40 % are too apathetic to respond them and the remaining 10% act like cornered beast that only worsen the situation.

Is this the end for european people ? it definitively look like it.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but then censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/ghood/the-real-racial-reckoning/

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Hood Is Just A Flunky, Like Taylor, Covering For Jews, Satanists--The Real Problem
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 21)

Folks, u need to realize that Greg Hood, J. Taylor, and Ron Unz (the Jew who pretends he's "white") are all in league together, traitors and conspirators against Christendom, the REAL THING worshipping truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth requiring the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle) for necessary criterion to truth, the real Christianity only barely continuing to exist, which is absolutely anti-satanic, hence anti-Semitic (Christian truth vs. Jew lies, objective reality against subjectivism and Satanism, which is just extreme subjectivism). The fact that Hood, here, states some truths that anyone might agree with, doesn't change anything.

One easy solution is to de-activate Jew S A, the states all recognized as completely sovereign (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com). For one thing Hood COMPLETELY covers-up is the satanic, hence Judaic take-over of what used to be USA, now Jew S A, as noted. Jews' primary instrument of dictatorial control is the central-bank, US Federal Reserve, which is totally criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency").

Note also Hood himself mentions the very hallmark of satanic Jew S A, SUBJECTIVISM, in the 9th paragraph fm top--and this is what Jews and Satanism push and feature, subjectivism, the idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, the subject now made into creator, God-like--Satanism by definition. For Jews feature "midrash" (interpretation), following "Oral Law Trad."--everything is interpreted for Jews, beginning w. Torah--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo.

Jews then practice a collectivistic subjectivism which gives them a great advantage for organization, cohesion, and commitment, making them dominant leaders of the rest of the subjectivist/satanic segment of gentiles who far out-number Jews--much as like the early Bolsheviks dominated the more numerous goyim of their time. And thus Satanists, few as they may be, will always intimidate and influence those merely subjectivistics, not necessarily outright Satanists, who are legion among gentiles.

Note how subjectivism is the common thread within this Jew-dominated satanic complex which integrates Jews, "liberals" (actually fascist punks), leftists, and homosexuals. For "liberals" and leftists are always and heavily "influenced" by such as non-existent "good-evil" moralism of children, which they never grew out of, pretending further to a non-existent, perfectly "free" human will. Thus Jews lead and dominate this large complex founded in and upon subjectivism, hence always including, often even started fm absurd moralism as original pretext, for so many subjectivists.

Thus Hood, just another flunky for Jews, like Taylor, merely carries on the work for his Jewwy pay-masters (who fund and finance Amren, Taylor, and all the other satanic flunkies) deflecting fm the real problem--THE SATANIC DICTATORSHIP of Jew S A, the big dog now so easily and handily wagged by the tail of Israel, yet another topic not mentioned by Hood.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but then censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/ghood/the-real-racial-reckoning/

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"Priss Factor": Grossly Ignorant Of Christianity And Judaism, Hegelian Anti-Theses
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 21)

Priss, u're such a miserable, ignorant fool. Morality/ethics is mere logic (hence consistency) btwn means and ends--there's no "good-evil" which is for children and fools to make them obedient. If u say there's true "good-evil," then u're challenged to provide the criterion which works for all situations, which neither u nor anyone else has EVER been able to do in the whole hist. of philosophy.

U don't even understand WHAT Christianity is, sucker, which Christianity is Hegelian anti-thesis to the preceding Pharisaism, now known as Judaism/Talmudism. For Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which directly implies the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis/criterion for such truth.

And Judaism is Talmudism, the "midrash" (interpretation) of a SUBJECTIVE reality, following "Oral Law Trad." For Jews recognize no "truth" but for what rabbis say it is, midrash beginning w. Torah. Thus subjectivism holds reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition (Satanism being extreme subjectivism).

Jews are Satanists (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), beginning w. their leadership, even though some Jews at lower levels may be merely subjectivistic. Thus Jews absolutely HATE Christ, gloating they killed Christ (see Gosp. MATT 27:25). But truth always RESURRECTS, coming back to bite severely. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Talmudic expo.

Further, Jews are collectivist subjectivists, giving them unique and superior organization, cohesion, and commitment over all the gentile Satanists/subjectivists, like they dominated and led the early Bolsheviks, gentiles far out-numbering Jews.

And here on earth, truth always fights a losing battle against lies and Satanism, and Jews were boldly advancing against Christianity at least by the Reformation when they saw the gentiles fighting one another, Cath. vs. Prot. Jews always had an invincible weapon in way of central-banking and fiat-currency, sucker, and these existed all throughout hist. See Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms like "fiat-currency."

Christians never had anything but a tenuous initiative against satanism, Jews the leaders thereof, supreme liars, who gained decisive offensive against Christians and gentiles by the late modern era of French Rev. and their stinking "emancipation," w. the great weapon of central-banking. Get a brain, and get a clue, sucker.

----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

5. Priss Factor says: • Website
December 5, 2021 at 10:50 pm GMT • 10.4 days ago • 200 Words ↑

This mentality is like the legacy of Christian moralism, or the Historical-Moral Lag. Moral sense lags behind historical reality.

They’d face no charges and be celebrated as peaceful protesters. Just as they were treated during the George Floyd riots pic.twitter.com/rrsP5fGjJS

— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 (@ScottMGreer) December 5, 2021

Yes, it’s true that Jews killed Jesus(along with the Romans) and persecuted early Christians, but Christians gained upper-hand over Jews later. But Christians always fixated on victimization at the hands of Jews even though they had the power to beat on Jews.

Also, it’s true that Roman pagans persecuted Christians. Maybe some were even fed to lions as Christian victimology has alleged. But later, Christians gained the upperhand and persecuted pagans and tore down innumerable temples to Greek/Roman gods.
But Christians kept on playing victim, reiterating the tales of being fed to the lions even as they were now the ones destroying temples and burning witches.

Victimology is resilient and blinding. Even after the victimization has ended, it continues as a cult, and it is utterly blind to how the once victimized has become the new victimizer.

It took over 1,500 yrs for Christians to finally realize that THEY’d gained the upperhand and done wrong to others. Moral sense lagging behind historical reality.

Jews and blacks practice their own form of victim-christology.

You’d think Jews are still ghetto dwellers with yellow stars and blacks are still picking cotton on plantations.

Perhaps, the real enemy is this christo-victimological thinking, the sanctimony of eternal victimhood. Enough already.

Btw, I agree with Ramz on this one.


Good. The wealthy are almost all Democrats. They need to face what working class people face everyday due to their woke policies. https://t.co/JA4l9QyMZr

— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) December 5, 2021

• Disagree: GazaPlanet
Below-copied by ap submitted, but then censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/zemmour-vs-dreyfus/

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Success Always Begins With Truth And Pertinent Facts Pressed Consistently
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 21)

Well, so now Jews and globalists are going to combine the symbolism of Dreyfus, the historical Jew, along w. the "liberal" "globalist" take-over and destruction of the national entity?--rather suicidal it would seem--for Jews. Then tossing-in the famous "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion"?--it's the trifecta for Jewwiness, truly--for "Protocols..." is a true story and brilliant exposition of Jew perfidy and conspiracy, even if the exact authorship may be disputed.

So what will happen?--naturally, Jews and globalists will enact massive election-fraud (true to the script of "Protocols..."), and will probably win, given the massive fraud, even against the masses of French patriots and Christians (or at least sympathizers therewith).

Best thing to do to fight Satanism and Jews, foremost liars and subjectivists, is to understand Jews as the real Satanists they truly are (extreme subjectivism--subjectivism holding reality is product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition), and it isn't even difficult to do--at least in concept.

Just start w. genuine anti-satanists, meaning then TRUE, real Christians, who believe in, and worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, which requires Objective reality as criterion/basis to any such truth. Then go forth to preach the true anti-Semitic (real Christian) Gospel.

Thus Jews are Satanists as they're extreme subjectivists (the leadership is, at least, even if some lower-levels might not be all the way Satanist, merely subjectivists) who practice and apply "midrash" (interpretation) to all things, beginning w. Torah, in accord w. "Oral Law Trad.," by which Torah and everything else is to be understood. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo on Talmudism/Judaism.

Only additional note is that Jews are also foremost collectivists, giving them superior organization, cohesion, and commitment to their satanic cause, making them dominant leaders within the satanic sociologic complex--as w. the early bolsheviks.

With central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) as their main existential (practical) weapon, giving them massive, if fraudulent financing, then Jews and the satanic complex (including "liberals," leftists, homosexuals, pedophiles, and "globalists") within society are well and perfectly exposed. See Mises.org for best expo on central-bank; use site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

For people well understand "globalism" as the genocidal Satanism and lies it all truly is--they only want to be sure Jews are identified properly and correctly. The only problem w. Zemmour is that he's a Jew himself, at least by genetics, by his own admission, and people will naturally have doubts about trusting any Jew. But if Zemmour tells the truth, including about Jews and "globalism," then he and the anti-satanic, anti-globalist cause will do well enough, if only for getting out the truth.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but then censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/zemmour-vs-dreyfus/

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Zemmour's Real Opponent Is No Less Than Satan Himself, Suckers, Who Rules Earth
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 21)

The Jew, using the gentile name, "Pat McNally," just gives more inductive evidence for what he really is as he lies and dissembles, saying "Protocols...," was/is "forgery." No fool, "forgery" is like me signing ur name on a ck in order to take ur money. But don't worry, ur Jewwy buddy, Unz, will delete this post of mine, like all the others, to protect his fellow Jew liar, eh? Ho ho ho.

So observe the Jew, Zemmour, opposes the satanic Jew culture involving (a) "globalism," founded upon the criminal enterprise of central banking (legalized counterfeiting), (b) the pretended sainthood of Dreyfus, and (c) the absolutely accurate exposition of Jew conspiracy, the "Protocols...."

But don't forget there's yet another Jew lie in the large and prevailing cultural (and criminal) architecture for Jew lies, the holohoax. And remember, the mother's milk of politics is MONEY (or at least, currency--not the same thing, suckers--see Mises.org; use site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency," etc.).

And note the Jew criminals (a redundancy) control the currency spigots--HOW can Zemmour possibly acquire the necessary funds for running a serious campaign without enough of that moola? Note the criminal enterprises he's up against beginning w. globalism, entailing all the lies and frauds--will the cowardly middle-class French goons and morons, who are legion as they are in Jew S A and the West in general, go along?--is it possible or even conceivable?

So note then the great drama and irony for this amazing and most interesting election campaign--for the basic, general logic of things is entirely against Zemmour--he's just not going to get near the money he'll need--absolutely impossible. Still, it would be a great and glorious event to observe a person, even a Jew, to upholding TRUTH against the overwhelming satanic culture of lies that he faces.

And don't forget there are yet other lies and deceptions of French history to be addressed--regarding the heroic figures, Henry Petain and Pierre Laval--is it TOO MUCH for any political candidate who needs money? Consider the literal MIRACLE that Zemmour is required to perform--is it even imaginable? And it must be admitted that the "odds" are immensely against Zemmour--he can only get any considerable sum of funds by means of lies and betrayal, given the horrific, satanic conditions. A rational person would have to bet against Zemmour, yet still hoping against the satanic reality.

-------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

75. Patrick McNally says:
December 18, 2021 at 8:04 am GMT • 4.4 hours ago • 200 Words ↑

“In 1884”

That seems likely to be a typo for 1894. The reference in the Protocols to “another Panama” shows that the transcript was written after the 1892 French Panama scandal. Of course, this shows that the Protocols are not an authentic straight transcript of a meeting since parts were clearly written by 1864 with Maurice Joly and other parts added after 1892. Hence the document is a forgery which simply gathered together a lot of predictions which people were already making in the 1890s such as the likelihood of a general war among all the great powers, a revolution occurring in Russia, the rise of the USA and Japan to great power status, a likely Russo-Japanese war and so on. None of these forecasts were astonishing. The transcript of the Protocols never predicted a Chinese revolution or the rise of Russia and China to great power status because these were not obvious predictions in the 1890s, unlike the forecasts written in the Protocols.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1520

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One Should Spend Time Only On Fellows And Gentiles Rather Than Wasting Time With Jews
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 21)

For I'd say one's time is far, far better spent telling gentiles about Christ and Christianity--real "evangelization" as distinct fm missionizing. For real evangelizing means simply "waking-up" that otherwise dormant, or repressed Christian spirit lying within.

For note "Christ" is mere mythologic figure and/or symbol for TRUTH. Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity (worship of truth) is thus Hegelian anti-thesis to the preceding Judaism/Pharisaism, which Judaism features SUBJECTIVISM, all-encompassing and thorough-going. For according to "Oral Law Trad.," there is no "truth," but what rabbis say ("midrash")--the "party-line," according to the bolshies.

And since subjectivism holds reality is product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like, the extreme form of subjectivism is Satanism, by definition. Thus Satanism isn't really so mysterious or abstract, actually rather rationalistic in basic form and structure--not suspected by most folks who think of it as something quite abstract and "religious."

Thus Jews hate truth (= Christ), whom they gloat over having killed/executed for heresy, blasphemy, and sorcery (Gosp. MATT 27:25). But truth (= Christ) always resurrects, the lesson and moral of New Test., the truth always coming back to bite severely--the final joke on the Jews.

And truth (= Christ) couldn't exist without the OBJECTIVE reality (God-given), necessary criterion/premise for any such truth.

So Christianity represents acceptance of objective reality, whereas Jews reject it. And it would seem Jews would far more be willing to consider this sort of strict philosophic analysis of things--they would much more appreciate the literary/philosophic moral to things, as would anyone else.

For again, as Jews are taught to hate Christ and Christianity, and unless they're approached in a respectable manner--as in way of strict philosophic/literary analysis, they're more liable to react in a precipitous and excessive manner as an affront to their culture, psychologic equanimity, and heritage, whereas they might not if simply informed for philosophy and literary foundation.
Ho ho ho, looks like I was banned by the Jew, Kaepner, as when I submitted below-copied, there was nothing "waiting to be moderated," same thread as previous, https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1520 , ho ho ho

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Great Problem For Humanity Is Satanism, Extreme Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 21)

Hello Karin Joy: don't forget we're all sinners, for God created us w. will, which makes us self-interested, always. And ONLY way to heaven is by means of God's grace and mercy--that's it--there's nothing we can do on our own to make our own way to heaven.

Problem w. Jews is they insist reality is subjective--that it comes out of the way they think--a product of their consciousness/mentality. Actually, the Jews really seem to think the two realities exist at same time, that things are both objective and subjective ("double-think," as of Orwell, "1984"). Thus it's the subject that creates reality--unlike the OBJECTIVE view of the Christian whence subject is mere creature (created) of nature, hence God, the first cause for everything, hence Christians being sinful by nature, given to willfulness and self-interest, twisted in un-reason.

Extreme form of subjectivism then is Satanism--making oneself to be God, the creator--which is what Jew leadership preaches, even if some of the Jews on lower-levels (sociologically) pay little heed to Judaism, the religion as preached by rabbis. Unfortunately, even the non-religious Jews are yet heavily loyal to the Satanists at the top, persuaded to hating Christianity and the Christian people.

The extreme form of subjectivism makes the subject co-equal w. God, the creator, and Jews believe they, collectively, are co-equal w. God, that God is their slave who goes and kills people for them as at Passover and Purim. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Talmudic expo.

But it's this collectivist subjectivism preached by Jews that makes them so formidable on earth as it gives them superior organization, commitment, and cohesion, making them dominant and leaders of all the gentile subjectivists and Satanists, who are much more numerous than Jews themselves. Thus bound together so tightly, the satanic complex in society dominates, including "liberals," leftists, homosexuals, et al., the common element among them being subjectivism and self-righteousness by which they insist upon dictating, by force. Observe the original Bolsheviks were dominated and led by Jews.

Surely, the greatest pretext for such subjectivism is the delusion/fallacy/heresy of "good-evil" which can't and doesn't exist, there being no solid, demonstrable criterion/premise to serve as standard by which one separates the two supposed opposites, the non-existent "good" and "evil."

For what the subjectivists say is "evil" is really just insanity. And it's truly great irony, that the idea/notion of "good" is what ultimately drives so many to Satanism, which always ends up as mere sanctimony and self-righteousness. Satanism is the ultimate insanity, founded upon extreme subjectivism.

Such herein are my observations in the great battle of Satanism vs. the rest of humanity, leadership of which are the REAL Christians, worshippers of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all. Amen

----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

Karin Joy Passmore
December 18, 2021 @ 12:56 pm

Dear Brother Nathanael, You are my partner in the lonely vocation of trying to reach the Jew for the Saviour.

Thank you for the straight talk. I do not love the Jewish people except for Jesus’ sake. I do not hate them either; I just want them to be honest before the Lord and Saviour, or at least be honest with themselves.

In future I’ll be very clear about the Word of God and not sentimental. Their influence on the USA has been devastating; I’m just beginning to find my way out of the Jewish immersion!

The Holy Virgin Mother is most helpful because she wanted me to be pure and yet I fell because of the popular (Jewish-designed) culture.

Baby boomers like me need to put Jesus Christ on the Throne. Viva Cristo Rey.

I love you Brother, and a Merry Christmas!! Karin in the Berkshires.
Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comment, https://www.unz.com/jtaylor/our-rulers-can-be-as-barbaric-as-the-taliban/

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"Barbarism"?--It's Outright Satanism, Suckers
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 21)

Well of course, the destruction of these Confederate statues and monuments is "barbaric," to say the least, but it's not just that--it's satanic--and fm whence comes this Satanism?--it comes fm the leaders of Satanism who begin as subjectivists. For subjectivism is the basis of Satanism, the making oneself to be God, Satanism then being simply extreme subjectivism.

Thus subjectivism is the holding reality as product of consciousness/mentality, the subject being creator, God-like--Satanism by definition, in the extreme form.

So then WHO are the subjectivists--those who deliberately preach such subjectivism?--they are Jews, by definition, who preach "Oral Law Tradition" by which Torah (and then everything else too) is to be interpreted and subject to interpretation, as by the rabbis, this interpretation process/method called and known as "MIDRASH." How then is "midrash" to be done?--according to what purpose?--according to "what's good for Jews." See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo on Judaism/Talmudism.

Jew leadership is totally, thoroughly Satanist, though some of the lower level Jews may merely consider themselves subjectivist.

Further, note Jews, beginning w. the leadership, practice a collectivistic subjectivism, giving them superior organization, cohesion, and commitment, making them dominant among all/any other subjectivists, as among gentiles subjectivists, even though gentiles far out-number Jews. For example, observe the Jews dominated and led the early Bolsheviks.

So the pt. then is this Satanism is NOT some mysterious force or thing--it's simple product of a specific type of philosophy--subjectivism.

Christians and Christianity--THE REAL THING--and NOT the establishment versions which now presently prevail, and which are total captives of the Jews and satanists, worships TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth requires the OBJECTIVE reality as basis/criterion for such truth.

Thus we see the cultural problem in the midst of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Satanists and subjectivism, led by Jews, foremost Satanists/subjectivists--combined w. the nearly complete submission of a perverted, confused, muddled, and non-functioning Christian establishment which actually works for, and serves Jews and Satanists. Q.E.D.
Below-copied is e-mail ltr sent to K. MacDonald at The Occidental Observer

On Saturday, December 18, 2021, 05:41:20 AM CST, apollonius apollonius wrote:

Dear Editor:

I'd like to ask a simple question to Kevin MacDonald regarding scientific/philosophic analysis of Judaism.

But first, I'd note and mention that I read MacDonald's works, "Culture of Critique," and the other two in the series, yrs ago, about 20 yrs ago, as I recall. I liked the works, but I thought there was little in the way of a more general analysis, still scientific, but more philosophic (I was Phil. major when I was under-grad).

For we philosophicals like to try to simplify things much as possible, but without missing anything essential. So for us, we try to define things (accurately as possible, of course) that we're analyzing. Thus Jews are those defined as following Talmud, hence the "Oral Law Trad."--hence "MIDRASH" (meaning interpretation), this midrash being their general METHOD.

And "Jews" are those following the Talmud, but also, those genetically related, who would call themselves Jews by race, even if not by religion--religion meaning going to the religious meetings, like at the synagogue, partaking in the ceremonies, etc. For even to call oneself "Jew," whether by race or religion, indicates loyalty thereto--as to the "Jew" culture, mentality, people, ancestors, etc.--the pt. is there must be a general philosophy that attaches to this Jew culture. And that Jew culture, even if not necessarily understood as "religious," still has to do w. Talmud, hence "Oral Law Trad.," and MIDRASH (the method).

Hence then, my philosophic analysis identifies Jews and Jew culture in accord w. their METHOD--"midrash"--which then amounts to SUBJECTIVISM in general, for again everything for Jews is subjected to midrash (interpretation), beginning w. Torah, but extending to everything else. And this analysis regarding Jews would conclude that Jews practice SUBJECTIVISM, both as philosophy and as practical religion.

Hence interestingly enough, even the pretended "atheism" of so many Jews is beside the fact that they're subjectivists, even if they don't attend synagogue, etc., as subjectivism is followed by them as philosophic practice.

And that's my question for Mr. MacDonald--would he agree w. this (above) philosophic analysis?--isn't that what Judaism is all about?--isn't that their actual, practical philosophy?--"midrash," hence subjectivism?

There are implications and consequences to this subjectivism, I presume u can understand, but for here and now I'd just leave it the way I've got it, just above--subjectivism as their (Jew) philosophy, method, etc. So would MacDonald agree? Thanks for ur attn. and advice. A.

-------------------------------------Below-copied is part 2, sent on Sunday, 19 Dec 21----------------------------------------

Following my msg to K. MacDonald, of course, I wanted to establish the premise of that thorough-going Jew subjectivism--there's no truth or reality BUT what Jews (through rabbis) say. So the next propositions then follow in logic:

(a) the extreme form of this subjectivism is Satanism; Jews are Satanists, esp. at the leadership level, perhaps less so at lower levels, though Jews have to be heavily affected by subjectivism in general. For if reality is merely creation of consciousness/mentality, then subject is akin to God--Satanism by definition. And observe the truly massive Jew satanic literature contained in their Zohar (Kabala).

(b) Truly interesting is Satanism is actually quite rationalistic (and simple) when one considers the premise to it, subjectivism. in fact, such Satanism might very well require an elaborated obfuscation fm such simplicity of logic for its derivation, at least for some people, probably for many.

(c) Jews practice a collectivist subjectivism, collectivism giving them superior or enhanced organization and cohesion, making Jews most often dominant even among more numerous gentile subjectivists/Satanists, gentiles, esp. in the West, being more given to individualism, usually. Note Jews dominated leadership of the early Bolsheviks. For one thing, Jews controlled and handled the finances.

(d) Finance, especially, invites subjectivism and fraud, the (deliberate) confusion regarding money (like gold/silver) and mere currency, a substitute kind of "money" made out of paper, for example, but nowadays simply digitalized on computers, and then replicated and proliferated by "inflation"--legalized counterfeiting, which manipulates and devalues the currency and adversely affects the society.

(e) Historically, Christianity was/is the Hegelian anti-thesis to Jew subjectivism, deliberately so, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth requiring the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle) as necessary premise/criterion for any such meaningful truth. For Christianity is really quite rationalistically oriented for basic principle, but it had to be popularized, and then through the yrs of history became evermore mystic and apart fm strict reason.

(f) Subjectivist moralism entails especially the idea(s) of "good-evil," pretext for further subjectivism, esp. among gentiles, this subjectivist moralism much at foundation of present-day "liberals," "progressives," and leftists which then make up a significant part of political sociologic segment, "progressives" including homosexuals, etc.

(g) So politically and sociologically, there readily can be discerned a distinct kind of satanic "complex," Jews providing leadership and financing, but further involving a truly significant number and segment of the general population. One of the effects is "globalism," creation of the largest sort of empire, embracing different races, religions, and cultures, involved in World Wars, both first and second.

(h) Note the historic waxing and waning of these general concepts, subjectivism and objectivity, Satanism vs. Christianity--how things have so much "declined" for Christianity since (at least) French Revolution era, the amazing advance of this subjectivism against the "decline" (as of Oswald Spengler) for Christianity and the prestige of the traditional Aristotelian reason and rationalism which founded the original USA, constitutional gov., etc.

(i) So the significant concepts are Satanism and subjectivism, and then the role of Jews, most successful of all the Satanists/subjectivists, and the real effects of their activities, significant and ominous. Thanks for ur attn. A.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/article/the-tragic-fate-of-hershel-fink/

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Jew/Talmudic Literature, Heroes, And Characters Naturally Hate Gentiles, Christianity, West--What Did U Expect, Sucker?
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 21)

So then what are the white archetypal heroes and villians?--just ck Homer for Oddyseus, Achilles, and all the other Greek heroes vs. the villains, and note the villains are hardly worth mentioning. The Romans have Virgil. Eventually, this Greco-Roman culture gives us New Test., supposed sequel to Old Test.

Thus Homer celebrates the man of courage facing the world, its dangers, and willing to fight for the good things, for his life and living, and then also such things as honor and glory which make life worth living. The Old Test. celebrates the man loyal and obedient to God.

New Test. faces up to a cruel and hopeless world, ruled by satan, as did Homer (only without satan), though it still requires courage, but now also honesty, consistent w. the great new object of worship, TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Thus note Christian New Test. grasps truth, hence the OBJECTIVE reality upon which truth depends for what it is. Thus Christianity decisively rejects the Pharisees who hated and killed Christ, gloating over his death (Gosp. MATT 27:25).

The Jew follows Talmud, hence war and hatred against the gentiles, so the Jews rather emulate Oddyseus in the battle of wits against the hated gentiles. Talmud is literally a METHOD OF WARFARE, beginning in philosophy (subjectivism) and then psychology. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo. The new wrinkle w. Jews and Talmud is the sort of reality, which for the Jews is SUBJECTIVISTIC (reality is created by consciousness; hence making the subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism by definition), and Jews have to stick together collectivistically, following and using God, their servant who created them, against the hated gentiles.

So who then are Judaic heroes/characters of their literature, and what and how do they do things?--just consider the stories given in the Old Test., like Esther (though this book isn't in the Christian corpus of Old Test.), who married the Persian King, and whose father, Mordechai, advised the king against Jews' (or their ancestors') enemies, now celebrated by Jews as "Purim" holy day.

So Jews' heroes and characters are always enemies of mankind and gentiles, called "Amalek"--CRIMINALS--but who are kind and generous to fellow Jews--something like Robin Hood fm the English literature. This Talmudic war against gentiles is why Jews lionize such criminals as Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Rothschild, et al.

Rothschild, for example, is lionized as he and his sons ran the finances of Europe which is still in place to this very day, by which Jews (and satanic cohorts among gentiles) defraud and despoil the stupid goyim, who can't and won't figure-out that central-banking and fiat-currency is just legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency").

Such then is Jew culture, mentality, and literature all following fm their Talmudic war plan, methods, and conspiracy against humanity. And of course, TRUTH (= Christ) is anti-Semitic, suckers.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but amazingly, this time, NOT censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-totalitarian-moment/

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"Totalitarian" Problem Is SATANIC Problem, Which Satanism Needs Be Taken Seriously--But Won't, Till Huge Masses Have Died
(Apollonian, 21 Dec 21)

"Totalitarian moment"?--try SATANIC moment, suckers--because that's what's happening. Thus "totalitarian" is mere symptom and side-effect. The essence of this totalitarian exterior is (a) Satanism, and essence of Satanist is SUBJECTIVISM, the Jewwy idea ("midrash"--interpretation) that reality proceeds fm consciousness/mentality. And (b) note that driving, motivational force of social justice warriors is always that cheap moralism, always founded upon child's non-existent "good-evil," whence white Westerners are "bad," deserving of expropriation, etc.

So those are the abstract forces at work, Satanism, including then the false moralism against rationalist and Christian, though the Christian is itself horribly under-cut and subverted, the Satanists and Jews having taken-over the establishment Christian churches, having so long now forgotten the anti-satanic, hence anti-Semitic necessary component. For Jews are not same as Israelites or even Judeans, and have ALWAYS been foremost Satanists and enemies of Christianity and the West. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best, fullest expo.

Existentially (for practical purposes), there's the central-bank instrument, a total criminal enterprise (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency") wielded by the Satanists--which people like Giraldi hardly seems to notice. So don't doubt Giraldi is fully part of the problem, keeping people diverted and un-informed upon the real story that's taking place.

And it's all a horrible cultural scene and event, the liquidation of the former American and Western middle-classes, the mass-murder, as by the poison covid vaxxes, of a corrupt and stupefied people and Western society which too easily enjoyed the wealth and prosperity built and created by preceding generations who did the hard work, but failed to properly train and educate the new generations.

The cultural and political solutions yet remain amazingly close at hand, which could conceivably happen at any time, un-likely as it may seem, the RESURRECTION of the Christian culture, founded upon the real and true Christian worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any other thing or imagined ideal, "truth" requiring the objective reality as necessary criterion/premise for any truth--opposing Jew/satanic subjectivism.

Hence the states must regain and re-learn the virtue of STATES-RIGHTS, nullification and secession (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com)--which would de-activate the satanic Jew S A, mere tool of Jews, both "globalist," atheistic (a), on the "left," and (b) their false opposition, Israel and the Judeo-Christian (JC) goons on the supposed "right." See Whtt.org for expo on the absurd JCs.

Otherwise, the situation in Jew S A is like Spain in the 1930s, and Jew S A must get poorer and poorer, the ignorant people dying-off and dying-out evermore till they lose this hubristic moralist pretension to such superiority as featured by "liberals" and leftists who ape and emulate the Jewwy ruling and political class.
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Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-totalitarian-moment/

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Jews: Supreme Satanists, Liars, Exclusively Followers Of Pharisees, Talmud
(Apollonian, 21 Dec 21)

Christ was not and NEVER was "Jew," thou ignorant moron who does the Jews' work for lying, deception, confusion, and muddling the proverbial "waters" by means of equivocation fallacy. For "Jew" is defined (by Jews themselves) as follower of Pharisees and later, the Talmud (Babylonian), finally written-out in 500 AD. Jews follow Talmud, NOT Torah, which Torah they corrupt by means of "midrash" (interpretation), rendering Torah to be "of no effect."

Christ lived w. his parents in the province of Galilee, NOT Judea, home of Judeans, NOT "Jews," led by Pharisees at time of Christ, the middle-class party which only arose in the 3rd to 2nd cent. BC, and which made up no more than about 5% of the people of Judea at time of Christ.

Thus Christ called-out the Pharisees for heresy, who pushed the entirely SUBJECTIVIST "Oral Law Trad.," drove the money-changers fm the Temple, and the Pharisees CONSPIRED to kill Christ, Jews gloating they killed Christ (Gosp. MATT 27:25). Note Pontius Pilate, the Roman Procurator didn't want to execute Christ, but the Pharisees and Jews insisted and demanded it.

Christ was no "rebel," u idiot; he simply exposed the hereticalist Pharisees, foremost Satanists (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), and was killed for upholding the TRUTH, which Jews hate for the objective nature, and which truth yet always RESURRECTS, coming back to bite severely, the New Test. joke being upon Jews and Pharisees.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------

106. Emerging Majority says:
December 21, 2021 at 6:12 pm GMT • 2.4 hours ago • 300 Words ↑


Had the Jewish rebel, Jesus, been around when those “representatives” met with the agents of the London Bank\$ters, he would have scourged the whole lot of those parasites clear the hell out of the Temple.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-totalitarian-moment/

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Cutural/Societal Collapse ALWAYS Follows Distinct Pattern, Fools, Described By Spengler, Others Too
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 21)

Life sure sucks, doesn't it?--that was what the Greeks taught--TRAGEDY--that's what life is, sucker. And the problem is always human HUBRIS, by which humans begin to imagine they're God or like God. Pretending then to non-existent "good-evil" is just another symptom.

Oswald Spengler theorized the CYCLIC nature of civilization ("Decline of the West"), built by heroes who worked hard and fought hard and victoriously, beginning a prosperous society, but which then becomes evermore corrupted by following generations, suffering hubris, who didn't have to work and fight like the original founders--like the Romans, and now Americans.

And at the end of the cultural "decline," especially, come the Jews who are NOT NOT NOT like other humans, Jews following the devilish Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo) which features a method of warfare ("midrash" and "Oral Law Trad.") against the rest of humanity, an all-encompassing SUBJECTIVISM, hence Satanism (as in subjectivism, reality is held to be product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be creator, God-like--Satanism), which Satanism is practiced and preached by the Jew leaders, as we plainly see, especially in present-day Israel where the land was literally stolen fm the rightful owners, the Palestinians--but also by other Jews too, not only in Israel, like George Soros, who has fomented nothing less than civil war in Jew S A and Europe.

Sure, there may be some Jews at lower levels who aren't all the way satanic, but who remain subjectivist, are loyal to the satanic leaders, and always go along--like in Israel, right?

And Jews typically practice a collectivistic form of this Satanism/subjectivism, giving them unique organization, cohesion, and commitment, hence dominant leadership over many if not most other Satanists/subjectivists among gentiles, who otherwise out-number Jews, this including "liberals" and leftists who heed to the subjectivist moralism of child's "good-evil," etc.--which then gives Jews an amazing hegemony over society in general, especially in the latter stages of cultural degeneration and "Decline of the West."

Doubt the power of subjectivism?--consider the central-banking system (like the US Federal Reserve Bank) which substitutes mere "currency" instead of real (commodity) money, like gold/silver, which "currency" then is proliferated and replicated--literally legalized counterfeiting--for the purposes of the satanic masterminds, always Jews in most cases, due to their superior organization, etc. See Mises.org for best expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

So Jews (and their close cohorts who suck-along) don't HAVE TO BE "under every bed and behind every fence," sucker. Thus the large problem is Satanism, this Satanism ALWAYS led by Jews, WHO ARE SATANISTS, by their very religion (extreme subjectivism), and this Satanism rages and gets out of control especially in the "end-times" of the natural cultural CYCLIC process, as described in New Test. "Book of Revelations." So pull ur head out and get a clue, fool.

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

197. Who Knows says:
December 22, 2021 at 5:33 pm GMT • 2.1 hours ago • 100 Words ↑

A Jew under every bed and behind every fence. The simplistic analysis of our dire situation leaves me frustrated beyond belief. Indeed things are a lot more complicated than they seem but that is going over almost everyone’s head here. The monster we face is a hydra and in our present state of demorilization and confusion impossible to defeat.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-totalitarian-moment/

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Mulga: Gross Hypocrite
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 21)

Hey Mulga: who ever said Jews are "smart"?--are u a Jew?--u're honest (to a certain limited degree, we see), but u utterly fail for basic brains, buddy.

First, there's no such thing as "evil" (or "good") as there's no premise or standard by which to tell--and this has been known fm hist. of philosophy (and ethics) since forever. If u say there is such thing as "good-evil," then tell us what the premise is which works in all situations, sucker.

And "racism" is virtue--virtue of loyalty to people, ancestors, culture--ck a dictionary. If Jews say racism is bad, then u KNOW it's really a virtue, right?

And Jews are un-questionably a problem (though not "evil") as they're such amazing, inveterate, pathological liars, cheats, frauds, criminals, and psychopaths. But the Lord put Jews on earth for a purpose, and that's obviously to liquidate the excess over-population, taking their ill-gotten gains, etc.--they're like a disease, like leprosy, typhus, or plague which carries away the weak, inferior, the excess over-population, as noted.

For Jews, by definition, advocates of "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Trad.," hold Torah and hence all reality is product of consciousness/mentality--subjectivism--and Satanism is just extreme subjectivism, the subject creating reality, God-like--Satanism by definition. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo. Thus Jews hold Torah means only what rabbis say.

And goys can become Satanists/subjectivists just as much--like pretending/insisting on non-existent "good-evil"--the diff. is goys aren't nearly as organized and cohesive as Jews are--that's why Jews are always the dominant leaders of the corrupt governments and enterprises--like they dominate the commies and socialists--like they dominate and head the central-banks (legalized counterfeiting) by which the dumb goys are divested of their funds, ho ho ho (they only get what they deserve, eh?). Jews necessarily become the "bosses" of organized crime, esp. at the highest levels--as reality demonstrates for anyone w. eyes to see.

And if the goy were properly HONEST (as we try to emphasize in Christianity, the real thing, anyway, worship of TRUTH [= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6]), then those dumb goyim wouldn't be harmed by those Jewwy sons of satan (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), eh?--Jews would simply be ostracized, as they should be, and then they'd be left to ripping-off, then killing one another, right?--which such ostracism was actually done when Jews were properly confined to their ghettos, back in the good old days.

But as Oswald Spengler teaches in his "Decline of the West" (CYCLIC theory), as the culture ages and matures and becomes evermore corrupt, we see Jews now naturally dominating such corrupt culture, and now the over-populated goyim begin dying-out and -off, by all the various methods, as by means of outright mass-murder, but always by the steady starvation, as now the economy just refuses to produce, for the obvious reasons. The covid hoax w. the poison vaxxes are the latest ploy--the stupid, trusting goyim morons paying the price, having refused to learn the obvious lessons fm just recent hist.

So u see, Mulga, u're gross practitioner of that very same Satanism/subjectivism which u admit in other places is a great problem, Judaism, pushing lies, like "good-evil" delusion, that "racism-is-bad," etc. Judaism is Satanism AND psychosis, and we see well the effects it had on u too, eh?

------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------------

204. Mulga Mumblebrain says:
December 22, 2021 at 9:34 pm GMT • 2.9 hours ago • 300 Words ↑
@Who Knows

You are correct. While the Judaic elite is central to the decay of the Western ‘liberal democratic’ system, with their overt political bribery,economic crimes, constant demands, villainous, unceasing, efforts to purge societies of any others who they detest eg the end of the First Amendment in the USA through anti-BDS ‘legislation’ and the lynching of Corbyn and UK Labour, AND their near complete loyalty, primary or shared, to Israel, a deeply Evil, racist, terrorist entity, they are NOT the only centre of Evil in the West.
There are numerous goy pathocrats to go around, most aligned to Judaic elements, given their power and vengefulness towards those who ‘..get in our way’. And the Judaic elites play all sides at once, ever seeking advantage, hardly unusual practise among human beings. It’s just that the Judaics have 3500 years of practise at concerted efforts at self-promotion and the exploitation of others. Indeed so good are they at driving towards their mostly venal and narcissistic ambitions that they have always, inevitably, aroused and created enmity and hatred towards themselves among the host populations, save where strong central powers repressed their exploitative behaviour, while protecting them from mere xenophobic and other banal hatreds. That, in my opinion, is the only safe way for Jews to exist in the world, indeed for any minority to exist, particularly when driven by an ethos of singularity, superiority and indifference, at best, to the fate of others. Good luck trying to get today’s Zionazis acting in that manner. Another explosion of hatred is inevitable, given utter Zionazi ruthlessness, but humanity has so many existential problems that it might not occur, being swamped by far greater, and universal, calamities.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-totalitarian-moment/

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Simple Fact Of Reality: Judaism Is Satanism--Get A Clue, Fools
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 21)

"Termites": u're exactly right-on, but u have to get to the very philosophic ROOT of the matter--Jews believe in a SUBJECTIVIST reality, consciousness/mentality being for them the creator and source of reality, which stems fm their "religion" of Talmudic "Oral Law Trad." and "midrash" (interpretation) method of construing things, beginning w. Torah, then extended to everything else.

Thus Torah only means what rabbis say it means by way of their "midrash." Further, they're extremely COLLECTIVISTIC for their subjectivism, giving them superior organization, cohesion, and commitment over the more isolated, individualist gentiles who disdain such collectivism, rendering them too easy victims of Jew conspirators, criminals, and psychopaths.

Extreme subjectivism then is Satanism by definition, the subject being the creator of reality--in literal God-like fashion. The top Jew leaders then are Satanists, even if some of the lower-levels remain mostly just subjectivistically-inclined. Regardless Jews are taught to be loyal, and the lower-levels ALWAYS obey and follow their leadership--they practically invented communism, don't forget.

Jew book of Zohar (Kabala) is heavily involved in explicit Satanism, satan then mere alternate form of their God. Don't forget Jews worship this murdering devil who killed the Egyptian infants on their Holy day of Passover. Purim is another, though minor holy day for Jews whence Hammon and his sons, along w. "thousands" of other anti-semites were killed, in their Book of Esther.

Jews also believe in the objective reality in a strange sort of Orwellian "doublethink," but objectivity for them only has a secondary kind of status. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Talmudic expo for their "midrash" methodology.

One of the ethical consequences of this satanic and overwhelming metaphysical subjectivism is Jews' typical psychotic obsession for the infamous Pharisaic "righteousness" whence Jews (as a collectivist whole) are the very embodiment of "good" and gentiles are "evil." Thus this self-righteousness takes on a downright metaphysical quality for them. Thus it's no wonder Jews are hated and detested by all peoples, races, and cultures who and which have ever come in contact w. them

But don't doubt Jews fulfill a distinct function when it comes to the over-population problem which always arises for any dominant and once ruling and successful culture, the people of the culture beginning w. the founding generation being great and honest conquerors and producers creating great prosperity, but the culture steadily degenerating in HUBRIS and corruption, as described in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West."

Thus Jews act as a disease of opportunity, like leprosy, typhus, and plague, Jews and Satanism becoming more prominent and controlling as the legal system, etc., degenerates and corrupts, the now over-populated weaklings and inferiors evermore dying-off and -out due to Jews' deadly activities, as in the Big Pharma monopolies infliction of the poison covid clot-shots, instigation of disastrous wars, etc.

People have to face-up to the fact Judaism is Satanism--extreme subjectivism now ravaging and liquidating the old, now corrupt and degenerate culture--the now over-populated weakling masses and inferiors no longer capable of coping w. the horrific satanic problem, led by Jews, liquidating the losers and weaklings, as we see. Amen

---------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------

213. termites in the house that 1776 built says:
December 23, 2021 at 4:01 am GMT • 51 minutes ago • 200 Words ↑
@War for Blair Mountain

The jews may outwardly profess that we are all equal and therefore equally worthy of life, but they don’t mean it. Events in Gaza, and their ongoing systemic war against the white working class in America, give proof of that. There are no “good” jews, just jews who are better actors or liars than others. Jews are always “nice”, until you say no to them. It reminds me of my jew landlord 20 years ago who actually entered my apartment and went rummaging through my stuff while I was out. I eventually caught him, reported him, and his “lovely” wife went from speaking to me to icily ignoring me – when she wasn’t speaking ill of me to everyone in the community. All this because I caught her husband being a nosy prick with no respect for the private space of others. I wasn’t there for much longer, but I remember that incident clearly. They are not a trustworthy bunch, and outward charm is a characteristic shared by rapists, pedophiles, scam artists, and serial predators, and jews. I don’t get why more white Americans don’t see it, or maybe they’re just too scared. Emasculated America is a very weak society, and increasingly looks just like Bolshevik Russia did when the ((termites)) took over. Death and pestilence is all they bring. But whites never band together and never support their own. Too many shabbos goy.