Antiquated Feminist Agenda Is Exposed


Antiquated Feminist Agenda Is Exposed

by Lisa De Pasquale

In an episode of Ted Koppel’s "Nightline," he asked a group of women, "Dr. Laura [Schlessinger] calls herself ‘her kid’s mom.’ Do you think she does that to be provocative?" When did acknowledging motherhood become provocative? About the same time that radical feminists deemed courtship, gender differences, heterosexual marriage and the biological clock politically incorrect.

Cult of Radical Feminism
As vice president for policy and economics at the Independent Women’s Forum, Mrs. Lukas is an expert on the misi
nformation peddled by the cult of radical feminism. She is also a role model for many women and a testament to the fact that women have more opportunities and choices than ever before. An accomplished writer and policy expert, Mrs. Lukas is a stay-at-home mother who works from home for an organization that values families and women.

Organizations like the Independent Women’s Forum celebrate the power that women wield in politics, at home and in the workplace.
On the other side of the spectrum, feminist organizations such as the National Organization for Women and the Feminist Majority belittle women who make choices contrary to those groups’ leftist agenda.
The feminist movement’s philosophy can be summed up with a quote from feminist icon Gloria Steinem: "A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after." Mrs. Lukas points out: "In other words, if you don’t have sex before marriage, you don’t count as liberated." Likewise, if you don’t have a jo
b after marriage and, presumably, after having children, you aren’t liberated either.

Sexual 'Freedom'
"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism" is a must-read for young women. For years, feminists have told women that they can have it all, with no apparent consequences. Sexual freedom is freedom from responsibility, motherhood can wait and there are many substitutes for a mother’s love. In fact, Sen. Clinton wants those substitutes to be federally funded. In It Takes a Village (her first work of fiction), Hillary describes the socialist childcare centers in France. Clinton concludes: "It is no wonder that so many French parents—even mothers who do not work outside the home—choose to send their children to these government-subsidized centers." Feminist author Kate Millet echoes this twisted utopian idea: "The care of the young is infinitely better left
to trained professionals rather than to harried amateurs with little time nor taste for the education of young minds."

For these feminist leaders, child care is the same as ironing or any other common household task—sure, you could do it, but why not just pay someone else to do it?
However, life experience in a culture that has accepted these notions tells women otherwise. Mrs. Lukas points to a study conducted by author Sylvia Ann Hewlett that found that 49% of the "most successful women" (those earning $100,000 or more) were childless. Many were unhappy about their unexamined lives and felt shortchanged by the empty promises made by the feminist movement.
For young women who grew up in the '70s, '80s and '90s, they recall their experience as latchkey kids with working mothers. It is no wonder that a majority of young women readers polled by Cosmopolitan magazine (not exactly a bastion of traditional values) said they would stay home with their children if they could.

'Women's Is

"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism" does not condemn women for their choices, but instead provides the common-sense information lacking in the typical discussions on so-called women’s issues.
Feminist leaders use the idea of women as a single voting bloc to scare politicians into enacting their leftist agenda. Mrs. Lukas notes that the mainstream media are complicit in promulgating this myth: "Women don’t vote as a monolithic bloc in America. They may skew more liberal than American men, but they’re more politically diverse than the mainstream media report. Women need to look beyond the mainstream media to get information about politics and policy since the media often share
the sympathies of the liberal feminist groups and candidates."
Put simply, feminist leaders want Uncle Sam to take the place of men in women’s lives. In the aptly titled chapter "Divorcing Uncle Sam," Mrs. Lukas exposes the feminist philosophy of big government. She writes: "Feminists envision a vastly expanded federal government that collects more taxes, provides more benefits ... In supporting this big government agenda, feminist groups often make explicitly paternalistic statements, suggesting that women require government to watch over them—reinforcing the harmful notion that women are incapable of surviving or prospering on their own."

Ash Heap of History
Carrie Lukas's "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism" explodes the antiquated feminists’ agenda against women and their families. Feminists’ decadent movement of selfishness and irresponsibilit
y is over.

To paraphrase a true leader, common sense will leave radical feminism on the ash heap of history.

Miss De Pasquale is freelance writer in Herndon, Va. Write her at lisajanine1111 (at)