An American wakes up and writes to the editor

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

Africa Not Paying For Howard Renovation

In our local paper, September 2, page B1, Commissioner William Cotton
said, "I have serious concerns that whenever we're going to spend money
on "African-American" schools, this commission wants to question every
dime that's being spent."

That statement prompted me to wonder if Africa was paying for the
renovation of African-American school. If he was referring to Howard
School of Academics and Technology, I thought that was a Hamilton County
School. I didn't realize that Africa had anything to
o with it.

In my opinion, Commissioner Cotton should go back to school and get
educated to the fact that in America you have two choices in life, "take it or leave it."

If our
Hamilton County Government didn't have Chairman Fred Skillern and
Commissioner Curtis Adams this county
would be in bad leadership

W.L. Schultz
So. Moore Rd.

I guess you told that nigger!


In my opinion, Commissioner Cotton should go back to school and get
educated to the fact that in America you have two choices in life, "take it or leave it."