"American black man" from Antioch, CA has registered for this not-a-forum


"American black man" from Antioch, CA has registered for this not-a-forum.

But has not yet VALIDATED the email address used in registration @att.com

As anyone registering on the New Nation News Reporter's Forum
is not most likely interested in posting news links on black and minority crime
most likely I will not approve the application.

If "American black man" wishes to comment on the content of New Nation News he probably has some expectation of 'freedom of speech' although the 'Black Lives Matter' and Neo-Red-Guard 'anitfa' that he most likely agrees with do NOT believe in freedom of speech and wish to kill, maim and have their 'nazi-racist' opponents lose their jobs, their history and their future.

If 'American black man' (if he is really a black man and not a catfishing female with a 'black boyfriend'... wishes to post some thoughful critique of this site without resorting to racial slurs, profanity, etc. - then please do post your thoughtful, civilized considerations in this forum posting area (subject to review).