A Race Against Time



A Race Against Time:
Racial Heresies for the 21st Century
George McDaniel & Jared Taylor


Since the 1960s, every pillar of American society has passionately supported the goal of eliminating "racism." The belief that all races are identical or interchangeable in terms of average ability and capacity for high civilization has become the equivalent of a state religion.

Nevertheless, residential neighborhoods remain nearly as segregated as they were in the 1960s. Church congregations are segregated. Generation after generation, school children fail the "lunch-room test" by sitting with friends of the same race. Americans know that the constant cheerleading for integration and "diversity" masks deep divisions. Outside of a few pockets of self-
conscious mixing, Americans generally live their lives among people like themselves.

A Race Against Time
is a collection of articles from American Renaissance, the leading journal of racial-realist thinking. This book represents an unapologetic break with the assumptions and clichÃÆ’ ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡©s of the civil rights era. The authors believe that when decades of experience do nothing but contradict the assumptions that underlie social policy, those assumptions must be reexamined. America has tried--as earnestly as a nation can try anything--to build a society on the assumption that race can be made not to matter. It is time to recognize failure.

The authors represented in this book--Samuel Francis, Jared Taylor, Richard Lynn, Michael Levin, and others--reject today's racial orthodoxy. They are all fully aware that what they propose in its place is no less than heresy against the state religion. It is a religion few people actually live by, but it still has the power to dictate policy, and to terrify
and punish scoffers. At its simplest, their heresy is this: Race is important, and whites have r
ights and interests as a race.

These authors and the movement they represent are entirely in earnest about the survival of Western civilization and the people who created it. Unless whites shake off the teachings of racial orthodoxy they will cease to be a distinct people with a culture of their own. History, morality, biology, and generations of common sense justify their desire that their descendents should be the heirs to the culture and civilization of Europe, that their lives be shaped by their own history rather than by the demands of people unlike themselves. More and more whites are awakening to the crisis they face. They will eventually shake off their lethargy and secure for themselves that to which all men have a right: survival as a people.

ISBN: 0-9656383-2-4
Original Issue Paperback
US $15.95